A light sleep
Versifier: Shafiei Kadkani
Translator: Gholam Moradi
I have a word to tell you and I can’t say it
And not able to conceal this heart burning pain
You are busy with talking and from your looking cup
I am so drunk that I am not able to hear you
I am glad in your dreams like the moon in night
If I can’t reach the union skirt of you
I come with the beams of moon and like the shadows of walls
I can’t take a pace out of your quarter
Far from you I charred in the skirt of night
Like the candle of dawn I can’t have a light sleep
I am crying due to your non affectionate o’ rose in this garden
Like autumn bud I can’t blossom
You the speaking eye hear from my look
I have a word to say to you but I can’t